CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOUR EMAIL IS CONFIRMED, The Checklist will be sent to your inbox in the next 5 minutes, while you are waiting for this I want to tell about

It's A special Report to School Owners who want new Students but don't Seem to know how to go about it or what to do immediately to get it!!!!!!!

Offer Expires In:

I have packaged a 52 page Enrolment GAMEPLAN REPORT FOR YOU

PLEASE give yourself a treat with the Success stories of people who have used these Enrollment Ideas to BOOST their Enrollment

There is more to this 52 page Report!!!!! its A GAMEPLAN for increasing ENROLMENT by NEXT TERM

Here is what you will be getting

Benefit #1


The one thing you must do before school resumes to make sure you are set for breaking your enrolment record page 6.

Benefit #2


  Sample format of how to arrange your Database of parents so you can quickly convince them about the idea of referrals– Page 8.

Benefit #3


  A Website where you can easily programme your text message and it will deliver at anytime you want it to deliver without been there at the time. Page 9.

Benefit #4


  A sample of a referral letter that has single handedly generated over 120 referrals for a school in 5 days of sending it to their list of parents page 11

Benefit #5


  A sample copy of how to arrange your inquiry list in other to easily optimize follow up for registration. Page 14.

Benefit #6


  Exacts steps to take now or when your staff resume that will position them to give you referrals throughout 2nd termPage 17-18

Benefit #7


  A simple Nomination form staff can use to invite people to be a part of your school and use it to partner with traffic centers like churches so they can nominate students to join your school. Page 19.

Benefit #8

  In the case where your members of Staff are not living close to your school this is exactly what to do so they can refer people Page 22

Benefit #9


  One strategy that helped one of my partner school win 27 new students in a term from their school street making them dominate their environment, a simple addition to their handbills that generated that result Page 23

Benefit #10


  Exacts words to say when you are making invitation texts and calls to parents, inquiries and prospects to come for your events Page 31-35

Benefit #11


  Exacts words to say to make sure all your referrals and inquiries at least consider AND register their children in your school whether you have an event or not Page 37-39

Benefit #12


  Exact format to use to take inquiries and establish YOUR SCHOOL as the only option for the parent to bring their child to. It’s a very effective 7-step process already designed with the exact words to say at inquiries Page 42

And if you think you cannot ADD new students in SECOND TERM or THIRD TERM, then WATCH THIS TESTIMONIAL

You’re right 

This is a lot of Action plan Information for a 52 page Ebook, but it gets better because you are also getting

7 common objections parents say at inquiry and exact words to say to those objections so you don’t lose the child to the competition e.g Your school fee is too high page 44-47

One event you can hold immediately your school resumes that will help activate referrals, reduce debt and encourage parents to spend long years in your school without withdrawing their children page 48

Offer Expires In:

Here's What to Do Next

The “cost” of this report is N7, 000 (Because I know it will generate result if you can do all I suggest), but I am making it 3500 for 20 LIFE BUILDERS ONLY, from now till Friday AUGUST 14th, after AUGUST 14th it goes back to 7,000 naira or after the 20 slots are gone.




ONE thing I can assure you is that the spots will FILL OUT FAST AND BY AUGUST 14th IT GOES BACK TO 7,000 NAIRA   Click the link and reserve your spot 

The Boldest Guarantee in the World

I 100% guarantee you’ll love this ebook and if it doesn’t generate the desired result for you just tell me, I’ll return your 3500 back and let you keep the book, if you are not satisfied. That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back. Just send me a message on whatsapp and I’ll give you back your 3500 with no questions asked.


Is that fair enough?

This Is Truly a Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now before They're All Gone

Once your payment is confirmed I will send you the link to also ACCESS the video BOOK and the AUDIO BOOK of this REPORT


I PREFER A TRANSFER?:-  Thank you for your interest in getting the GAMEPLAN TRANSFER



N6,450 (5 Secrets and GAMEPLAN)

Account name: – Falohun Itunuoluwa Seun
Bank: – Zenith Bank
Account number: – 2085336654

It expires in a few days


Once you pay chat GBEMISOLA up on WhatsApp on 08135273197 and the download link will be sent to you

Teacher I.T    


Falohun Itunuoluwa Seun is the founder of 5 secrets community an intellectual property of Steve-Unic and company….

5 secrets community is a community designed to help steeply competitive businesses gain market share, become extremely unique,  dominate the competition, generate a high number of leads, and convert them to paying and loyal clients without having to spend a large amount on publicity or advertising.

He is the creator of the unique sales process that has helped competitive businesses in Nigeria such as schools, who have applied His Ideas to dominate their competition and get new Registration in as little as 14 weeks. (1 term)

He inspires over 18000 school owners who He personally refers to as life builders every day from Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, India, UK, USA,  and all around the globe through His Website and Whatsapp community

Falohun Itunu lives in Lagos with his lovely Wife BuKunmi and He organizes free events for students as part of His social responsibility to His community through the three books he has authored which are “keys to getting admission faster”, “from failure to Academic success” and “understanding and demonstrating your leadership influence”.

IMPORTANT:- THIS page is currently viewed by 7000 plus Educators, I can Assure you that we will HIT our TARGET pretty fast and close up this offer in the next 5 days, so ACT NOW 


MORE IMPORTANT:- JUST SO YOU KNOW 2 out of every 4 visitors buy this particular OFFER so we will sell out PRETTY SOON, I don’t want you to MISS THIS

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